Sunday, May 22, 2011

Your Children Might Be Rednecks If.....

I know that at some point I should make them wear shoes, make them keep their clothes on, and insist that they stop peeing outside, but.....

I've been watching my children run wild outdoors a lot in the last week or so. The weather has been nice, which means they almost never want to come inside. It has done wonderful things for my soul to see my 3 little people sit together on the porch swing, I listen to them pretend, all manner of different things. They pretend they're on a train to somewhere. They speak in British accents, usually one of them is the parent, and so on. I feel as though I'm a fortunate eavesdropper, who is listening in on their childhood. As I listen in, I become saddened by the fact that they're getting older by the second, and pretty soon they wont be quite so easily entertained, by the simple pleasures, of lots of space, and sibling camaraderie.

I can't stop time, but I can stop and smell the roses now and then. I can watch, listen, engage, and enjoy these sweet spring days. The imaginations of my energetic tribe are blooming way better than my very neglected Lilac Bushes along my back fence. I never was much of a green thumb with regard to plants. I seem to be better a growing happy children.

Hopefully they'll continue mature, the way they should, but even more importantly, I pray I remember to let them be KIDS, even if that means they never want to wear shoes.....

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