Snoofus Poofus and I have been spending some quality one on one time together the last two days, or so. She's been sick, so I've been her companion while Daddy has been keeping the other Munchkins busy.
Yesterday she informed me that she is always going to be my "baby girl" even when she's growd up. I responded with my customary "really", in order to get her to expound further. It works every time. She said, "yes but I'm not going to live with you!" "Okay" I say. She says, "Because I want to get married, and I can't live with you if I'm married! So, at this point of course I'm curious, and have to ask, "Why do want get married Snoofie?" "I want to get married because, it's fun to kiss on the lips!" she says. In order to take the sting out of her refusal to live with me once she's married, she promises to build her house in the back yard, close enough so that we could walk back and forth to each other's houses. What a relief!
The last time we had a similar conversation she told me that she wants to get married so that she can have kids, and that she will LET me babysit, but that I'm not allowed to spank her kids. She says she's only going to put her kids in "time out" when they're naughty. Let's hope her off spring respond to "time outs" a little better than she does.
These priceless conversations give me little peeks into the workings of my precocious 4 year old's mind, and I adore what I see there. The above conversation let me know a few things, one: she sees being married as something happy, two: she wants to have a family and three: she likes me enough at this point, that living in the back yard seems ideal to her. All of her stated ambitions communicate that, for the most part aside from (spankings) she wants to replicate, in her adult life, what she observes in her parents life.
I'm sure Snoofie will, to some extent outgrow her current desires, at least the part about living in the backyard, and that's OK. What I hope she holds onto, however, is her desire to be surrounded by, family, friends, and someone who loves and cherishes her. If my daughter is as happy and blessed in her adult life as I've been in mine, I will be pleased and thankful, indeed!!